Arsenic Storage Dam
TSF & Ponds Project: BHP Billiton (Feysville WA) A volume of 80,000m3 of material was loaded, hauled, placed and compacted to construct four perimeter walls 10m high. Material was excavated from a shallow borrow pit within the facility. Wet weather conditions during construction meant that constant control was required to ensure moisture and compaction levels were […]
Leinster TSF
TSF & Ponds Project: BHP Billiton (Leinster WA) 1,581,500 BCM of materials were loaded, hauled, placed and compacted raise the outer TSF walls and Decant Structure by 2.5m over 5 separate lifts. Additional scope included relocation the Tailings feed and return water pipelines.
TSF 4 Raise
TSF & Ponds Project: Goldfields (Widgiemooltha WA) 163,000 BCM of materials were loaded, hauled, placed and compacted utilising Doosan 48t Excavators, JCB 36t Excavator, Caterpillar D6 Swampy track Dozer, 18t Pad Foot Roller, Cat 740 Ejector Trucks, Volvo Articulated Water Truck and Komatsu GD655 Grader to raise the outer TSF walls and Decant Structure by […]
Mt Keith TSF
TSF & Ponds Project: BHP Billiton (Wiluna WA) Since 2005, Cape has worked constantly on the Central discharge facility at Mt Keith which has an internal wall perimeter of 15km. These works involve 3 x long-reach excavators ranging from 30T-50T, 20T LGP excavator, LGP Dozers, padfoot rollers and when required Cat 740 ejector trucks. To date […]
FMG Ponds
TSF & Ponds Project: Fortescue Metals Group (Mulga Downs WA) Cape was contracted to build a series of three settlement and transfer ponds across both the Cloudbreak and Christmas Creek mine sites: Kangaroo Turkey Nest Norkfolk Transfer Pond CC2 Settlement Pond The scope of works included: Dewatering below the water table Excavation, placement, compaction earthworks as […]
Tailings Storage Facility Construction TSF4
TSF & Ponds Project: Goldfields 163,000 BCM of materials were loaded, hauled, placed and compacted utilising Doosan 48t Excavators, JCB 36t Excavator, Caterpillar D6 Swampy track Dozer, 18t Pad Foot Roller, Cat 740 Ejector Trucks, Volvo Articulated Water Truck and Komatsu GD655 Grader to raise the outer TSF walls and Decant Structure by 2.5m. Cape […]
Windich Tailings Storage Facility Construction
TSF & Ponds Project: FMG (Laverton WA) 1.4 million BCM of materials were loaded, hauled, placed and compacted utilising Caterpillar 793 and 777 Dump trucks, EX3600 Excavators and Caterpillar D10 Dozers to construct the outer TSF walls. To facilitate faster construction, the construction material was moisture conditioned in situ with a “rice” paddy type of […]
Tailings Storage Facility 3
TSF & Ponds Project: Goldfields (Widgiemooltha WA) A volume of 127,890m3 of tailings was excavated, placed and compacted to raise the perimeter walls by 2.5m. This has a common wall with another existing tailings storage facility cell. Tailings was excavated from a shallow borrow pit within the facility. As this was a wet lift so […]
Blackham TSF
TSF & Ponds Project: Blackham Resources (Wiluna WA) Cape was contracted to: Load & Haul 775,000m3 of material to build the TSF J Stage 1A/1B Decommissioning of monitoring bores Re-location of existing tailings and waste stockpiles Excavation of selected materials from designated borrow areas and stockpiles located within existing waste dumps, placed and spread to […]