Cape Power Preston Beach
Cape was recently engaged by Western Power to reconnect power to the fire ravaged town of Preston Beach. The town had been surviving on three temporary powered diesel generators for over two months after the fire damaged power infrastructure in the area in January this year.
The project involved open excavation, HDD drilling, clearing work, rehabilitation, rebuild of 2.4km of existing overhead infrastructure and removal of 70 damaged power poles.
Through the use of its innovative Eco Plough Cape was able to lay 6.9km of HV underground cable in only four weeks, which included four days of down time due to a fire ban.
“It was great to be able to complete the project quickly and get power back to the residents of Preston Beach,” said James MacPartland the project manager for the work. “The eco plough is an amazing piece of plant and ensured we met the tight schedule with no issues.
“The work crew were proud of the result given we laid new cable within three meters of existing FOC and water main infrastructure. It was pleasing to deliver not only for the residents but also our valued client with no incidents on the project.”